Ann Stockdale is a colorist, painting in oils since the 70s. She considers the Creative Spirit, which is in each of us, to be the door to self knowledge and happiness.
Poet Fred La Mott says of Ann’s work: “You are Chagall, but naked, running through a field of poppies,drunk on sunlight."
"I bond," says Ann," with unseen beneficial forces and welcome the impulse of universal energy to join me in joy with the Creator."
Ann says of her abstract art, "My motivation is color and rhythm, activating the healing impulse of love brought through the spirit world. I express joy with my Maker. The small unique piece, which is me, links with the larger 'I am' in all."
Born in Miami, Florida, she lives with her husband Donny in Gig Harbor, WA.
Ann has lived the major portions of her life in Miami, California, London, and the Pacific Northwest. She moved to Dublin when her father was appointed US Ambassador to Ireland by President John F. Kennedy. She graduated from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, and emerged in such shows as the "Establishment Review," and on Broadway, where she was directed by Alan Arkin in "Hail Scawdyke." She also appeared in the film "Caged Heat," directed by Jonathan Demme.